This comical, war time, extra large format cartoon print was published by the Canadian Royal Air Force in 1944. Based on a notation in the print it is a numbered edition that was drawn and signed by Canadian artist John Duchak (1921-2012) during his wartime service. The publication location is not given. John Duchak served in the Royal Canadian Air Force during WWII overseas as a cartoonist. His work was printed for distribution and education of Royal Canadian Air Force personnel. Duchak was educated in England and attended the Martin School of Art in London. This cartoon and a companion piece also on offer, "Keep an Accurate Log Sheet!" were therefore likely drawn in Europe based on their subject matter showing a Canadian Royal Air Force pilot in combat with Nazi pilots as the enemy. The Duchak cartoon uses humor and comical graphics to reinforce the Canadian Air Force safety messages to pilots and crew.
For a well researched presentation of John Duchak's portfolio and war service as an artist, please see: